Essential Items Every Triathlete Should Have in Their Saddle Bag

Essential Items Every Triathlete Should Have in Their Saddle Bag

Hey triathletes! Whether you’re gearing up for a training ride or a big race, having the right gear in your saddle bag can make all the difference. A well-prepared saddle bag can save you from being stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire or a minor mechanical issue. Let’s dive into what y

Fueling Your Long Ride: What to Eat on a 3+ Hour Cycling Adventure

Fueling Your Long Ride: What to Eat on a 3+ Hour Cycling Adventure

Long rides are a crucial part of your triathlon training, building endurance, and mental toughness. But to make it through those grueling 3+ hour rides, proper nutrition is key. Let’s dive into the best fuel choices to keep you energized, happy, and performing at your best during those epic training

Aero Bars: Enhance Your Triathlon Performance with Speed and Comfort

Let’s talk about one of the coolest additions to your bike that can make you feel like you’re flying down the road: aero bars! If you’ve ever wondered what those extra handlebars sticking out of some bikes are, why people use them, and whether you should get a pair, you’re in the right place. Let’s

Tips to Boost Your Bike Mileage For Kerrville Tri

Tips to Boost Your Bike Mileage For Kerrville Tri

Competing in the Kerrville Tri 2024 is an exciting challenge that demands peak performance across swimming, biking, and running. Among these, biking is a critical segment where you can gain a significant edge by increasing your mileage. Whether you’re a seasoned triathlete or a newcomer, the right a

Up Hill Riding 101 for the Kerrville Tri

Welcome to the first installment of our seven-part series where we’re going to turn you into a cycling talent, just in time for the Kerrville Tri! And today, we’re starting with a topic that makes many cyclists quake in their cleats—hill riding! But fear not! The hills on the Kerrville Tri course ar